Sunday, December 26, 2010

Royal's New Bridle

Well, I survived Christmas with the family and got through it relatively unscathed. Final grades were not what I'd hoped, but not much I can do about it now. Now, on to the happy stuff. Royal got a new bridle and I just had to try it on and it fits! It's a Crown Bridle and I also got a new bit: a Myler loose ring comfort snaffle and he seems to be okay with it. I just put it on to see how it fit and rode around bareback on a loose rein to just let him get used to the feel of it. He seemed to chew on it a little more than usual, but he was also antsy today.

Of course, pictures!

The leather needs some conditioning, but I think it will suit our purposes quite well.

A weird thing happened while I was cleaning up the arena. Royal was walking around loose in the arena when he got really scared by something. He trotted over to me, wide-eyed and tense, and I could hear his heart beating. Without a stethoscope or putting my ear to his barrel. I put my hand right behind his left shoulder and could feel his heart pounding away. Whatever scared him was by the big side door to the arena, because he would not take his eyes off of it the rest of the time we were in there.

Strange, but cool.

1 comment:

  1. Royal looks SOO handsome :D Should be! Am enjoying your new blog =D

    ~ Esther
