Wednesday, February 9, 2011

PNH Blogging #20 - A PNH clinic or lesson that was inspirational. If you have not been to a clinic or had a lesson what educational material has been particularly inspiring

I've participated in two clinic, and had 7 "official" Parelli lessons, but I'm not quite sure I would label any of them "inspiring". Educational, definitely, but I'm not sure about inspiring.

The most inspiring piece of educational material has been the "Leadership" lecture on L&HB, which I've watched about 50 times. For someone as introverted and self-absorbed as I am, it's been a good reminder to get out my head and work through my problems.


  1. Renee, I have been enjoying your 30 day Parelli blog challenge... Looking forward to the remaining 10 days!

    Petra Christensen
    Parelli 2Star Junior Instructor
    Parelli Central
