Sunday, March 11, 2012


I'm expecting the weather forecasters to show up drunk soon.

I'm no closer to figuring out my career/life plan. I still can't quite let go of the vet path (dreams die hard, I guess), but I'm starting to pursue genetics counseling more. I'm still in the process of gathering information, but I don't really have any firm plans. Except perhaps that I should learn how to bartend.

But, onto to happier things: Royal! The last couple of weeks have been beastly in terms of tests and papers being due, so I haven't had a lot of time to play. But now it's SPRING BREAK and the weather is gorgeous. Like 50s and 60s gorgeous. Royal's begun to molt even more now, and all the fitness he built up during winter break has pretty much gone away. But he's gaining it back and learning the Game of Contact even better. We're starting to move from stretching to holding a steady frame, and he's starting to get it. We've had two sessions of frame, and in the first one, there was a lot of nervous chewing and snatching at the bit. I expected this, since he still has some baggage when it comes to bits and contact. It's not as bad as it used to be (where he would start threatening to rear if I picked up two reins) but I know it's still there. So, it took a while before he stopped being nervous and held the frame for a few steps. I was happy, and we went for a walk on the dirt road to cool down. Apparently, he finds the random patches of snow terrifying, so it was a slow process.

Today, it was even warmer (I ending up riding in a t-shirt!) and he was even better. Some nervousness at the beginning of the GOC portion, but eventually he relaxed and held the contact for a little while both ways. More happiness, more walking on the road, more spooking, and more bravery.

Life is good.

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